An East/West, classical/folk journey, with striking new interpretations of music of very ancient origins, exploring the history of a region beaten by the 'wind of wars' but blooming by the interactions of diverse civilizations. Civilizations that never stopped meeting, flirting, influencing, and creating a cultural magma that is inseparable, indefinable even, unique... and of course, exquisite.
14 Draganinata (After a Traditional Balkan Melody)
15 Zletosko (After a Traditional Balkan Melody)
An East/West, classical/folk journey, with striking new interpretations of music of very ancient origins, exploring the history of a region beaten by the 'wind of wars' but blooming by the interactions of diverse civilizations. Civilizations that never stopped meeting, flirting, influencing, and creating a cultural magma that is inseparable, indefinable even, unique... and of course, exquisite.