This marvelous CD contains a number of motets by Giaches de Wert and one Mass. The performances from Currende and Concerto Palatino, all directed by Mr. Erik Van Nevel, with Mr. Herman Stinders providing basso continuo on the organ, are extremely good and, perhaps, even better than the di Lasso disc recorded by the same forces. The voices of Currende sing with great beauty, accuracy and expression and the soprano blend with high cornetto in a very impressive way.
1 Motectorum Quinque Vocum, Liber Primus: Ego Autem in Domino Sperabo
2 Motectorum Quinque Vocum, Liber Primus: Speremus Meliora Omnes
3 Motectorum Quinque Vocum, Liber Primus: O Sacrum Convivium
4 Motectorum Quinque Vocum, Liber Primus: Adesto Dolori Meo (6 Parts)
5 Missa Dominicalis: Kyrie - Gloria - Agnus Dei
6 LL Secondo Libro de Motetti a Cinque Voci: Benedicta Sit Sancta Trinitas
7 LL Secondo Libro de Motetti a Cinque Voci: Gaudete in Domino
8 LL Secondo Libro de Motetti a Cinque Voci: O Crux Ave
9 LL Secondo Libro de Motetti a Cinque Voci: Vox in Rama
10 Modulationem Cum Sex Vocibus, Liber Primus: O Altitudo
11 Modulationem Cum Sex Vocibus, Liber Primus: Ascendente Jesu
12 Modulationem Cum Sex Vocibus, Liber Primus: Quiescat Vox Tua
13 Modulationem Cum Sex Vocibus, Liber Primus: Peccavi Super Numerum
14 Modulationem Cum Sex Vocibus, Liber Primus: Egressus Jesus
This marvelous CD contains a number of motets by Giaches de Wert and one Mass. The performances from Currende and Concerto Palatino, all directed by Mr. Erik Van Nevel, with Mr. Herman Stinders providing basso continuo on the organ, are extremely good and, perhaps, even better than the di Lasso disc recorded by the same forces. The voices of Currende sing with great beauty, accuracy and expression and the soprano blend with high cornetto in a very impressive way.