14 distinct titles introduce this exciting new series uniting the finest Alpha and ZZT Baroque recordings. Discover - or rediscover - universally known works as well as world premiere recordings of rarities. Newly conducted artist interviews allow for fresh perspectives on their recordings. All releases, digipak in format with trilingual booklets, feature photographs by great (Magnum Cooperative) contemporary artists adorning the covers and a strong 'queen of colors' scheme, bringing to mind gods, kings, warriors, the devil, life, violence and death... Themes omnipresent in Baroque art!
6 Canon Simplex Über Besagtes Fundament À 3 - Cafe Zimmermann
7 Idem À 3 - Cafe Zimmermann
8 Canon Simplex a 3, Il Soggetto in Alto - Cafe Zimmermann
9 Canon in Unisono Post Semifusam À 3 - Cafe Zimmermann
10 Alio Modo, Per Syncopationes Et Per Ligaturas À 2 - Cafe Zimmermann
11 Canon Duplex Übers Fundament À 5 - Cafe Zimmermann
12 Canon Duplex Über Besagte Fundamental-Noten À 5 - Cafe Zimmermann
13 Canon Triplex a 6 - Cafe Zimmermann
14 Canon À 4 Per Augmentationem Et Diminutionem - Cafe Zimmermann
15 Die Wasserrüben Und Der Kohl - Dominique Visse/Cafe Zimmermann
16 Ich Bin So Lang Nicht Bei Dir Gewest - Dominique Visse/Cafe Zimmermann
14 distinct titles introduce this exciting new series uniting the finest Alpha and ZZT Baroque recordings. Discover - or rediscover - universally known works as well as world premiere recordings of rarities. Newly conducted artist interviews allow for fresh perspectives on their recordings. All releases, digipak in format with trilingual booklets, feature photographs by great (Magnum Cooperative) contemporary artists adorning the covers and a strong 'queen of colors' scheme, bringing to mind gods, kings, warriors, the devil, life, violence and death... Themes omnipresent in Baroque art!