NO NO NO is an eye-opening collection of a hugely overlooked genre documenting the all too familiar guy gets dumped and longs for girl syndrome. Unlike most vintage garage comps which often go for the crudest, loudest, punkiest and fuzziest, NO NO NO captures the eras moodiest, mega-sombre and most tragic teenage testaments. Beware: this material is highly addictive. For anyone into the instrospective sounds of the Rising Storm and modern-day Italian revivalists Head & The Hares, this depressing overview of mostly uncirculated tracks will make you wonder how you ever survived being a hormonal teen. CD includes honest, heartfelt cuts by the Syndicate, Bounty Hunters, Spectres, Symmetry Of Sound, Paupers, In Mates, etc. Prozac not included.
NO NO NO is an eye-opening collection of a hugely overlooked genre documenting the all too familiar guy gets dumped and longs for girl syndrome. Unlike most vintage garage comps which often go for the crudest, loudest, punkiest and fuzziest, NO NO NO captures the eras moodiest, mega-sombre and most tragic teenage testaments. Beware: this material is highly addictive. For anyone into the instrospective sounds of the Rising Storm and modern-day Italian revivalists Head & The Hares, this depressing overview of mostly uncirculated tracks will make you wonder how you ever survived being a hormonal teen. CD includes honest, heartfelt cuts by the Syndicate, Bounty Hunters, Spectres, Symmetry Of Sound, Paupers, In Mates, etc. Prozac not included.